locizify v2 - improvements

locizify v2 - improvements

February 21, 2017
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We use the unpkg CDN

In the past we deployed the locizify script to our own CDN space. While this was ok migrating over to allows us to provide you an improved usage. In the past your code was bound to the latest deployed script on our CDN. As we strongly respect semver we just were able to update the script with non breaking updates.

Now as you could use the source from unpkg you're able to fix the version in your code like: // latest // specific version^2.0.0 // latest non breaking version 2.x.x

full sample:

<script id="locizify" projectid="[PROJECT_ID]"
    apikey="[API_KEY]" referencelng="[LNG]"
    fallbacklng="[LNG]" saveMissing="true"
    src="^2.0.0" />

New Features


Sometimes you want to keep innerHTML of an element together to make it easier to translate.


<p>Might be easier to translate this <a href="#">the new way</a></p>
// resulting keys
  "Might be easier to translate this ": "Might be easier to translate this ",
  "the new way": "the new way"

Using merge:

<p merge>Might be easier to translate this <a href="#">the new way</a></p>
// resulting keys
  "Might be easier to translate this <a href="#">the new way</a>": "Might be easier to translate this <a href="#">the new way</a>"

While you can set the merge attribute on every element you like to have this behaviour. You can also specify this globally on init:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="^2.0.0"></script>
        // merging content (eg. a tags in p tags)
        mergeTags: [], // tags to merge innerHtml to one key
        inlineTags: [], // tags to inline (eg. a, span, abbr, ...)
        ignoreInlineOn: [], // tags to ignore inlining tags under inlineTags

cleanup for keys

With v2 we improved the key generation from content by removing unused whitespaces:


  Having text
  over multiple lines
  <span> with space in front</span>
// resulting keys
  "  Having text/n  over multiple lines": "  Having text/n  over multiple lines",
  " with space in front": " with space in front"

Using cleanup (default enabled in v2):

  Having text
  over multiple lines
  <span> with space in front</span>
// resulting keys
  "Having text over multiple lines": "Having text over multiple lines",
  "with space in front": "with space in front"

All the unnecessary whitespaces get removed making translation more easy. You can manually toggle this off or ignore it for certain tags:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="^2.0.0"></script>
        // cleanup for keys
        cleanIndent: true, // removes indent, eg. if a p tag spans multiple lines
        ignoreCleanIndentFor: ['PRE', 'CODE'], // ignores cleaning up of indent for those tags needing that extra spaceing
        cleanWhitespace: true, // removes surrounding whitespace from key

Fragment replacement for links and images

<img src="/images/{{a.png}}" alt="big A" />
<a href="/{{statistic}}">Open my statistics</a>

You will find a.png and statistic to be a key in your translations - it's value can be replaced to eg. a-de.png for german (all other languages will fallback to a.png)

Translate other then default attributes on elements

eg: for validation error messages

<input data-parsley-error-message="This field is required" />

Just add data-parsley-error-message to the translateAttributes Array on init:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="^2.0.0"></script>
        translateAttributes: ['placeholder', 'title', 'alt', 'value#input.type=button', 'value#input.type=submit'],

You can define rules like:


value#input // all values on input
value#type // all values on elements having an attribute type
value#input.type=button // all values on input element having an attribute type set to button

Migration from v1

To make v2 having the same behaviour as v1 you could change the init options like:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="^2.0.0"></script>
        // cleanup for keys
        cleanIndent: false,
        cleanWhitespace: false,


This way you assert keys get not cleaned of whitespaces so they match the counterpart of v1.

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